Hydrogen Nitrogen Air Generators
It combines three gas generators i.e. N2/H2/Air generator that is used to produce pure nitrogen, hydrogen, and zero air. It is widely used in the gas chromatography process and other analysis instruments. Nitrogen is produced by a water electrolysis technique that uses a membrane consisting of hollow fibers. The molecules other than nitrogen permeate through the membrane and a stream of nitrogen gas is released through the outlet. Hydrogen is also produced by the water hydrolysis technique using Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) as a catalyst, to generate pure hydrogen gas. Zero air is produced by thermocatalytic combustion, in which the compressed air gets oxidized and breaks down into carbon dioxide and water, and then bulk water is removed after passing through the filter to produce zero air.
Used in All Analytical Instruments, Ampule Filling, GC-FID, FPD, NPD, TCD, Pharmaceutical, Gas Chromatography Detectors, Petrochemical, Laboratory, Medical, Research, Industries, Environmental, Clinical, Forensics.
Also known as Laboratory Hydrogen Nitrogen Air Generator.
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